Greencastle Livestock Auction
720 Buchanan Trail E, PO Box 86, Greencastle, PA 17225
Phone 717-597-2171
Livestock Sale – Mondays at 2:30 PM and Thursdays at 1:30 PM
Feeder Cattle Sale – 1st Friday at 7:15 AM
Greencastle Livestock Auction - Greencastle, Pa. Livestock Auction Report for Monday January 27, 2025 All prices per cwt. Cattle Calves Sheep Goats Receipts: 504 425 171 55 Last Week: 505 425 404 148 SLAUGHTER CATTLE Slaughter Steers: High Choice and Prime 3-4 208.00-221.00 Choice 2-3 199.00-207.00 Select 2-3 192.00-198.00 Slaughter Holsteins: High Choice and Prime 3-4 177.00-180.00 Choice 2-3 173.00-175.00 Select 2-3 ------------- Slaughter Dairy Beef: High Choice and Prime 3-4 ------------- Choice 2-3 ------------- Select 2-3 ------------- Slaughter Heifers: High Choice and Prime 3-4 202.00-216.00 Choice 2-3 195.00-200.00 Select 2-3 ------------- Slaughter Cows: Pct Lean Avg. Dressing High Dress Low Dress Premium White 65-75 ------------- ------------ ----------- Breakers 75-80 130.00-138.00 ------------ ----------- Boners 80-85 115.00-130.00 ------------ ----------- Lean 85-90 98.00-118.00 ------------ ----------- SLAUGHTER BULLS Average Dress 1486-2348 lbs 155.00-170.00. FEEDER CATTLE NOT REPORTED Steers: Dairy Steers: Dairy Heifers: Heifers: Bulls: HOLSTEIN BULL AND HEIFER CALVES Holstein Bull Calves: Price per cwt. Holstein Bull Calves: Number 1 95-120 lbs 600.00-720.00 Number 1 80-95 lbs 600.00-720.00 Number 2 95-120 lbs 500.00-600.00 Number 2 80-95 lbs 500.00-580.00 Number 3 70-120 lbs 400.00-460.00 Utility 60-120 lbs 100.00-150.00 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS: Number 1 76-102 lbs 600.00-780.00 Number 2 76-102 lbs 470.00-550.00 BEEF TYPE CALVES: Number 1 70-120 lbs 820.00-1070.00 SHEEP AND LAMBS Price per cwt Lambs: Choice 1-3 60-80 lbs 270.00-320.00; 80-100 lbs 240.00-297.50; 100-120 lbs 230.00-240.00. Ewes: Utility 1-2 100-150 lbs 110.00-115.00. Bucks: No Market Test. SLAUGHTER GOATS Estimated weights price per head. Kids: Selection 1 40-60 lbs 200.00-210.00; 60-80 lbs 220.00-250.00. Selection 2 40-60 lbs 170.00-195.00. Nannies: Selection 1 80-130 lbs 205.00-245.00. Billies: Selection 1 80-100 lbs 225.00-330.00. Selection 2 80-100 lbs 165.00-210.00. Wethers: Selection 1 80-150 lbs 210.00-310.00.
Greencastle Livestock Auction - Greencastle, Pa. Livestock Auction Report for February 06, 2025 All prices per cwt. Cattle Calves Receipts: 133 187 Last Week: 147 256 SLAUGHTER CATTLE Slaughter Steers: High Choice and Prime 3-4 ------------- Choice 3-4 ------------ Select 2-3 ------------ Slaughter Holsteins: High Choice and Prime 3-4 ------------ Choice 3-4 ------------ Select 2-3 ------------ Slaughter Heifers: High Choice and Prime 3-4 ------------ Choice 3-4 ------------ Select 2-3 ----------- Slaughter Cows: Pct Lean Avg. Dressing High Dress Low Dress Premium White 65-75 131.00-134.00 ------------- ----------- Breakers 75-80 125.00-130.00 ------------- ----------- Boners 80-85 118.00-126.00 ------------- ----------- Lean 85-90 98.00-120.00 ------------- ----------- HOLSTEIN BULL AND HEIFER CALVES Holstein Bull Calves: Price per cwt. Holstein Bull Calves: Number 1 95-120 lbs 690.00-760.00 Number 1 80-95 lbs 750.00-810.00 Number 2 95-120 lbs 605.00-660.00 Number 2 80-95 lbs 665.00-710.00 Number 3 70-120 lbs 280.00-430.00 Utility 60-120 lbs 45.00-110.00 BEEF TYPE CALVES: Number 1 70-120 lbs 840.00-1090.00 Holstein Heifer Calves: Number 1 70-120 lbs 580.00-610.00 Number 2 70-120 lbs 350.00-430.00
Feeder Cattle Sale
Greencastle Feeder Cattle Sale Friday, January 03, 2025 This Sale Last Month Last Year Total Receipts 721 542 529 FEEDER CATTLE STEERS- Medium and Large 1 Head Weight Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price 3 480 480 275.00 $275.00 23 509-534 524 275.00-300.00 $287.07 16 558-598 574 260.00-295.00 $282.98 16 600-645 611 240.00-285.00 $268.54 15 672-695 677 235.00-265.00 $256.23 23 712-732 722 245.00-252.00 $247.53 11 758-799 784 235.00-239.00 $237.26 15 824-837 832 230.00-239.00 $237.26 5 860-892 873 230.00-235.00 $232.96 3 926 926 222.00 $222.00 7 951 951 228.00 $228.00 STEERS- Medium and Large 2 Head Weight Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price 3 298 298 295.00 $295.00 5 313-317 315 250.00-310.00 $285.82 7 351-375 365 285.00-310.00 $295.30 2 430 430 200.00 $200.00 4 422 422 240.00 $240.00 Natural 6 510-547 527 245.00-265.00 $256.43 11 550-570 562 215.00-245.00 $236.11 7 627-642 637 190.00-240.00 $221.39 6 701-702 701 215.00-227.50 $223.33 6 838-847 841 190.00-216.00 $207.27 2 887 887 210.00 $210.00 2 945 945 195.00 $195.00 3 980 980 200.00 $200.00 DAIRY STEERS- Large 3 Head Weight Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price 8 496 496 210.00 $210.00 5 545 545 215.00 $215.00 5 610-635 625 185.00-190.00 $186.95 3 906 906 202.50 $202.50 2 1055 1055 185.00 $185.00 HEIFERS-Medium and Large 1 Head Weight Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price 7 375-393 388 270.00-275.00 $273.62 5 406-422 412 260.00-275.00 $266.14 9 485-486 486 250.00-265.00 $260.01 55 510-540 524 220.00-260.00 $250.72 4 566 566 250.00 $250.00 5 625-645 637 230.00-237.00 $232.75 HEIFERS-Medium and Large 2 Head Weight Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price 4 363 363 260.00 $260.00 11 418-449 441 240.00-250.00 $247.41 10 465-485 477 215.00-235.00 $228.06 4 497 497 215.00 $215.00 Natural 4 502-517 510 200.00-210.00 $204.93 4 575-582 579 175.00-185.00 $180.03 BULLS-Medium and Large 1 Head Weight Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price 5 447 447 290.00 $290.00 5 481-487 483 267.50-282.50 $276.46 3 520 520 252.50 $252.50 15 555-590 572 252.50-275.00 $261.41 3 640 640 242.50 $242.50 16 655-696 673 215.00-252.50 $234.92 5 726 726 221.00 $221.00 4 773 773 210.00 $210.00 BULLS-Medium and Large 2 Head Weight Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price 2 295 295 275.00 $275.00